Bridging Gender Equality in Africa

Gender inequality profoundly impacts the lives of children in Eastern and Southern Africa. A child’s gender often determines the likelihood of realizing their rights and reaching their full potential, with social norms generally favoring boys over girls.

Gender equality is fundamental to achieving human rights and is central to UNICEF’s mandate for children. Across the region, the gendered society profoundly affects people’s lives. Women and girls bear the brunt of domestic and care responsibilities, are less likely to be employed in the formal sector, and even when they are, they earn lower wages. They also have less influence on government policy and experience high levels of violence.

Many children are raised by female caregivers, often without active involvement from their fathers. This gender disparity becomes particularly acute during adolescence, when girls face prospects such as early marriage (often before the age of 18), adolescent pregnancy, gender-based violence, and a heightened risk of HIV transmission. The likelihood of dropping out of school is high for girls at this age.

While most gender-equitable programming targets girls and young women as leaders and beneficiaries, boys also face gender issues. These include recruitment into armed forces, early workforce exploitation, higher malnutrition levels in some age groups, and the pressure to adopt harmful masculine stereotypes, such as the acceptance of male violence as a method of control.


Understanding gender inequities and responding with gender-equitable programs is fundamental to effective development work. Gender considerations must be integrated into UNICEF’s focus areas, critical actions, and strategies in the region.

Key interventions by UNICEF to reduce gender inequality and support the full enjoyment of rights by girls and boys include:

Girls Completing Secondary School: Promoting and supporting girls’ education to ensure they complete secondary school.

Prevention of Child Marriage: Implementing programs to prevent child marriage, ensuring that girls have the opportunity to grow and develop free from the constraints of early marriage.

Care for Adolescent Mothers: Providing care and support to adolescent mothers to help them continue their education and improve their life prospects.

UNICEF’s programming also aims to actively include adolescent girls and boys in policy and program development, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are addressed. This inclusive approach not only empowers young people but also fosters a more equitable society where both girls and boys can thrive.

By addressing these gender disparities and implementing targeted programs, UNICEF works towards a future where all children, regardless of gender, can enjoy their rights and reach their full potential.

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