UN Report Reveals Only 17% of Sustainable Development Goals on Track

UNITED NATIONS, June 30 – Global progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is alarmingly behind schedule, with only 17% of targets on track, according to a new UN report released on Friday.

The 2024 Sustainable Development Goals Report reveals that nearly half of the 17 goals show “minimal or moderate progress,” while over a third are either “stalled or regressing.” These goals, adopted by UN member states in 2015, aim to bring peace and prosperity to people and the planet by 2030.

“This report, known as the annual SDG report card, shows the world is getting a failing grade,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at the press conference launching the comprehensive stocktake. “The takeaway is simple — our failure to secure peace, confront climate change, and boost international finance is undermining development. We must accelerate action for the Sustainable Development Goals, and we don’t have a moment to lose,” he stressed.

Significant Obstacles

The report identifies several significant obstacles to progress, including the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, escalating conflicts, geopolitical tensions, and worsening climate chaos. It notes that in 2022, an additional 23 million people were pushed into extreme poverty, and over 100 million more were suffering from hunger compared to 2019. Civilian deaths in armed conflict also surged last year. Furthermore, 2023 was the warmest year on record, with global temperatures nearing the critical 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold.

Guterres emphasized the urgency of boosting international cooperation, stating, “We must not let up on our 2030 promise to end poverty, protect the planet, and leave no one behind.” The report outlines key priorities to address these deficits, which include finance for development, resolving conflicts, and surging implementation efforts.

Financial Shortfall

The SDG investment gap in developing countries stands at 4 trillion U.S. dollars per year. Rapidly increasing funding and fiscal space, as well as reforming the global financial system to unlock funding, are crucial. With nearly 120 million people forcibly displaced by May 2024 and a 72% increase in civilian casualties between 2022 and 2023, the need for peace is more pressing than ever. Massive investments and effective partnerships are vital to drive transitions in key areas such as food, energy, social protection, and digital connectivity, according to the report.

Upcoming Forums

The report comes ahead of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, taking place at the UN headquarters in New York from July 8 to 17. Under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council, the forum will review global progress towards several goals, including ending poverty (Goal 1), achieving zero hunger (Goal 2), taking climate action (Goal 13), fostering peaceful and inclusive societies (Goal 16), and ensuring means of implementation (Goal 17).

Additionally, the upcoming Summit of the Future in September will be pivotal for realigning efforts towards achieving the goals. The summit aims to address the debt crisis affecting many developing countries and the urgent need to reform the international financial architecture.

Stark Challenges

The SDG report highlights stark economic challenges, with per-capita GDP growth in half of the world’s most vulnerable nations being slower than in advanced economies. Nearly 60% of countries faced abnormally high food prices in 2022, exacerbating hunger and food insecurity. The report also highlights gender inequality, noting that 55% of 120 surveyed countries lack laws prohibiting discrimination against women. Education remains a significant concern, with only 58% of students worldwide achieving minimum proficiency in reading by the end of primary school. Despite global unemployment reaching a historic low of 5% in 2023, many obstacles to achieving decent work across all societies persist.

However, there are positive developments in renewable energy, which has expanded at a rate of 8.1% annually over the past five years. Technological advancements have also seen significant strides, with mobile broadband accessibility (3G or higher) increasing to 95% of the world’s population from 78% in 2015.

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